Month: March 2021

When music dies

Journal 30 March 2021

This post like 2019 is a practice run for ANZAC Day. The music is obviously Greek and not to be used on ANZAC commemorations, but it does give life to the memorial project. Therefore, forgive this old bastard for bring some life and gaiety into the memorial. The only music on ANZAC Day will be the National Anthems of three nations.

Each year there is development and improvements. This year will be special only because I have spent more time due to the corona virus pandemic lockdowns. I have still much work to do before and after ANZAC Day and as such every day is a challenge. I just wish this pandemic had not stopped my mates from visiting and helping out.

I have reached out to friends to assist me with fund raising to complete the project for this year and they have responded handsomely. I am waiting for some pledges to arrive which with some luck provide me with the materials to finish for this year. If any kind soul is willing to donate towards the HANZAC Memorial, please send me a private message and I shall provide the details. I thank all those who have already donated funds, it is so very much appreciated.

Furthermore, any trips to Greece that my lovely wife had planned together became untenable due to travel restrictions. Focusing on the memorial has kept that black dog at bay and my life is better for it.

Today was a gorgeous day I must admit. I spent most of walking the streets of Sparta, looking at shop after shop being closed down. How shop owners are surviving is beyond my understanding. Click and Away concepts are not working as well as they thought initially, but it’s better than nothing.

Tomorrow is my Granddaughters (Anika) birthday. I created a small birthday video and sent it to her parents. The last time I spoke with her via video link she broke my heart asking me: “why don’t you visit me Papou”? What can a Grand Dad say. She cannot understand that I am overseas. As for me, the title says it all. When the music dies, it will be time for me to return back home to Aussie. I intend to play music of all sorts and point the sounds towards the village to let them know, I am alive and well. Such is the effects of isolation.

That’s all from me, please enjoy the brief videos and have a great day.  Peter.