Brexit & Australia

EU and AUSTRALIAAbalinx 29 June 2016 Peter Adamis

In a recent interview on the ABC by Simon Breheny of the IPA, I listened to the commentary with great interest. I must say that with due respect I must humbly disagree with Simon Breheny. I find his explanation for those supporting Britain; leaving the EU borders on ignorance of history. As he is a member of the IPA, I question his motives and agenda and I am of the opinion that he is not a good representative to express the views of those living in Britain. A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on: BREXIT AND AUSTRALIA AN ALTERNATIVE OPINION

This to me appears to be more treated to being afraid of the future and fear of change rather than embracing a new and futuristic way of life. You only have to look at the backlash of the British people and realise that it is a nation divided. The vote is hardly a landslide and the youth, Northern Ireland and Scotland are against Britain leaving the EU. This hardly constitutes an overwhelming change towards wanting to leave the EU.

Another commentator who as recently come onto the scene espousing the positive effects of Brexit and that it is a sign of democracy is Georgina Downer. From my point of view as an Australian not born of this nation, I am of the belief that the same can be said of Georgina Downer and her comments. Georgina and Simon are both very good individuals whose political ideology mirrors that of my own in many respects but not all. In fact no one not even I are above constructive criticism.

I admire Georgina Downer and Simon Breheny for their stance and will support them to the hilt to have their say whilst I reserve e the right to have an alternative point of view.  As a Right Wing conservative who believes in the nationalist point view I hardly describe myself as a radical nor as an extremist but rather one who is passionate about this nation. As threads of the great fabric of society we call Australia, I am always reminded of the late John F Kennedys words; of “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.

Having said that, let us go one step further and discuss the Australian flag. You will not find me burning the nation’s flag, telling people that those who were the uniform died for the flag. No, I would say to those who have extremist views on either side that the Australian flag is a symbol of the nation and it is to be respected not burned. My message to those that do burn the flag, please find other methodologies to express your dislike or hatred of something you disagree.

Let us also be clear about one thing. Not one Australian died fighting for the Australian flag. That is a myth perpetuated over the years to invoke an emotional response amongst the Australian people. Australians who died in battle knew the risks involved, did not want to die. They were highly trained to meet all scenarios and as such when they were sent into battle were prepared. They died doing their duty to the nation they swore an oath to defend. It is that simple. I served this nation to defend its values, intuitions, traditions, laws and way of life, I did not join to die for the Australian flag.

For those who are being accused of being neo Nazis, right wingers, nationalists and supporters of the status quo, I feel for them because they fear a change is coming and that their backs are to the wall. The only way they would know of expressing themselves is to have peaceful protests in the major cities of the nation to attract attention to their cause. Unfortunately the demonstrations are not always amicable because it attracts those who oppose them and as such clashes will inevitably occur. Who is right and who is wrong is not being discussed here but that each side has the right to express their views without the hostilities and damage to property.

When we had a referendum on whether we should become a republic some years ago, I saw through the charade and what a farce it was. I had my ear and nose to the ground given my network and I knew that we in Australia were divided over the issue and supported the cause against a Republic. I did this in the knowledge that we were not ready as a nation to embrace a Republican cause yet.

A nation divided is fertile soil for disintegration and that the needs and security of the nation must come first above all personal agendas. Britain will survive because cooler heads will decide the outcome and it is not up to us to pontificate what is best for another nation, despite our personal beliefs, ties to the old country and personal agendas.

This also goes for those seeking public office. In fact we have in Canberra political servants of the people who have put their ambitions above that of the people and as a result have lost their credibility, integrity and the trust of the people. That is exactly what is occurring in Britain this day.

In summary, if an individual like myself can put aside my personal beliefs, love of the old country and embrace the laws, institutions and traditions of this nation; as well as making a choice to serve and protect this nation without fear or favour. Then I expect everyone else who arrives to this country we call home and/or was born here to do the same.

I believe in unity and as such Britain like any sovereign nation will do what is always in its best interests. Adding fuel to the fire for personal agendas is not the way to go no matter how close those ties may be to the old country. We are after all Australians first, let us not forget that.

As always, my apologies for the poor grammar, punctuation and savagery of the English language. All that I can say is that it is great to be alive and one does not give up in the face of adversity.

Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum.  He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News.  He holds a Bachelor   of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: Contact via  Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0409965538


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