Abalinx 7 March 2018 Peter Adamis
It now appears that, four days after the anti-social behaviour by the FYROMITE Slav community, wiser heads on both sides are coming to realise the futility of last Sundays behaviour. Although the signs of a thaw in the frozen relations between these two communities are becoming more evident each day, much more diplomacy behind the scenes are required.
Jovan Josevski a representative of the FYROMITE Slavic community appears to have made attempts to stop the anti-social behaviour by members of his community last Sunday, but unfortunately matters went beyond the alleged peaceful demonstration and agitators wrecked what was at first a very peaceful beginning. Jovan Josevski should be acknowledged and credited with his attempts to find a peaceful solution to a problem whose origins lie in Europe and where the final decision will be made. A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on: FYROMITE & AUSSIE GREEKS CHILL OUT
Jovan Josevski is on record stating the following: “it is unfair to shame me till burning of the flag it was a Peaceful Protest and I would have been next to the event coordinator trying to put it out but was not there as it happened at the end when almost everyone had gone.
WE are currently in talks with a mediator to STOP ALL THIS SHIT before someone gets hurt or KILLED. I will call you today this has to stop and thank you that your counter rally didn’t go ahead”. Jovan Josevski.
He went on to say that he: “Was not happy with the masks on faces and no flag should be burnt from both sides and vandalism to churches full stop someone will get badly hurt this has to STOP”. “It (rally) was a Peaceful Protest from the park some people were mad so was I that the Preston church had been vandalized that night prior to the Protest and vandalism was on the park saying we equal Albanian”
In response, a member of the Australian Greek community responded that he had it on good authority that: “the Lalor’s (football) ground was done by the guy who runs European Grill”. Furthermore: “It was a poor attempt at trying to frame the Greek community with a mish mash of Greek and English letters used”.
Bill Papastergiadis, the President of the Greek Orthodox Community when contacted advised that he had spoken with a senior government minister and requested that he call in the Fyromite Slavic (Skopjian) leaders and that they be asked to publicly condemn the actions of their supporters. It appears that the Minister has agreed to do this. In addition Bill Papastergiadis has issued a GOCMV Press Release on the 6 March 2018 that was conducted by the FYROMITE Slavic Community on Sunday 4 March 2018. Bill Papastergiadis has also sent a letter to the Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, expressing his concerns. An extract of that communications as follows:
“The Greek Community of Melbourne supports free speech and is a passionate advocate for democracy. However, it does not condone any violent, offensive or racist behaviour and any expression should be within the laws of Australia. The events of last Sunday, which included the burning of flags and parading with racist banners, do not dignify the multicultural country we live in and the Greek Community of Melbourne does not accept that form of public expression as a means of progressing one’s cause.”
On another unrelated matter, it was of interest to note that due to an ever expanding Melbourne population and the relocation of young families to the outer suburbs, Bill Papastergiadis and the Greek Orthodox Community have opened a New Greek school in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. This school is to cater for the Australian Greek community residing in the North of Melbourne. Traditionally those who have lived in the Epping, Lalor and Thomastown areas are the families who arrived in the sixties from the now dismembered nation of Yugoslavia. Remnants of that community identify and align themselves with the nation now called “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.
Peter Jasonides, representing the Pan Macedonian Federation of Australia advised that decisive action was being taken to facilitate a meeting between the two communities to ensure that such ugly incidents and racists taunts are never replicated again in the future. Peter Jasonides is one the very few member of the Australian Greek community to have 26 years accumulated knowledge of the Macedonian name issue.
In the meantime, the airwaves have been hot with numerous callers to shock jocks only interested in stoking the fires of rebellion amongst the younger generation of the two camps and so far it appears that the FYROMITE Slavic community overwhelmed the switchboards on the talk back radio shows. In addition, many of the Australian Greek Community on social media have suddenly found themselves in exile due to concerted and target efforts of the Fyromite Slavic community.
The Australian Greek Community in their attempts not to be silenced have resorted to creating pseudonyms to protect their safety through anonymity. On reflection, Social Media has become new battleground for the young, the old and those who have nothing to do but become key board warriors to spread their messages.
Peter Kalliakoudis, an Australian Greek businessman, fed up with the fibs, half-truth and lies emanating from the FYROMITE Slavic community provided the following YouTube presentation: “Macedonia” Wasn’t Forbidden In Greece Before 1988.” The presentation is by© Vladislav Perunović – Skopje, the Former Yugoslav Republic of “Makedonija” (legacy video, Serbian audio). Peter Kalliakoudis is also one of the organisers of the Australian Greek Rally held last month outside the Greek Consulate and instrumental and credited with keeping in check the more passionate members of the community. Additional information can also be gleaned by visiting the following page: The Macedonian issue from a FYROM perspective Furthermore the historical disagreement over the rights to the name can be viewed by visiting: Macedonia Naming Dispute
Still, as an observer of communities, I have not given up hope that these two warring communities will come to their senses and reach a resolution that is both sensible and reasonable without giving way to their point of view or their beliefs.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), and Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: abalinx.com Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0481 342 791