Peter Adamis Abalinx 28 January 2017
This article is a tribute to those men and women who have tirelessly worked on the Royal Australian Regiment Memorial walk in Brisbane. It was back in 2004 when my wife and I visited Brisbane, Queensland to meet up with 6 RAR mates, drop into see Bruce Ruxton and my cobber Eddie Black. A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on: RAR MEMORIAL WALK 2004
While we were in Brisbane, I dropped in at Enoggera Barracks see Arthur (Willie) Willemse, who was at the time Secretary of the 6 RAR Association. Arthur had kindly gone to the Barracks so that we could catch up on old times and act as my guide during the Memorial Walk.
I had heard so much of the RAR Memorial Walk that it was on my list of things to do whilst in town. I must admit, I was most impressed that I took numerous photographs while I was there and used those photographs to create “flash” videos of the Memorial walk from different angles and locations. I met up with some very old mates who were working as volunteers and it was pleasing to see that they had a passion for their volunteering work. I am of the belief that some of those volunteers have since passed away, but you can visit and see the result of their work at the memorial walk.
Although much had changed since I was last at Enoggera, I am sure that the construction that was ongoing at the time would have been completed and new structures erected adjacent to and surrounding the memorial walk. After all some 13 years have elapsed since our last visit. Ted Chitham was involved at the time amongst many others and it was my first time that I had met him. Ted is still very active in RAR circles and it is good to see that work on the memorial walk is ongoing and not forgotten. This a true tribute to all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, buried overseas or gave their lives during service.
Readers may click on RAR Memorial Walk and obtain a much better understanding that the meagre information that I have provided. The links below are in “flash (SWF) format and if a link is clicked upon, wait a few moments for it to load and a panoramic view of the memorial will be displayed. It is of interest to note that by moving you mouse curser left or right you will get a 360 degree view.
See satellite view of the various memorial walk locations and click on the SWF “Flash” link below as required and navigate accordingly.
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Please note that what you will be viewing is based on photographs taken in 2004, meaning that much has changed since then. I am not sure when my wife and I will get the opportunity to return to Brisbane again, but I must say that those who conceived the idea of a memorial walk are to be congratulated along with the numerous volunteers who spend their time maintaining it for future generations. The flash sequences is a good demonstration of how much work has gone into this monumental project. A fitting memorial to the Royal Australian Regiment.
2015 and 2016 for me were years of reflection, treatment and recovery. Not to dwell on what could have been but to ensure that whatever time we have left is not squander in futile objectives that lead to nowhere. I intend to make life more meaningful and worthwhile, worthy of those who had a hand in making me who I am today. Life as we know it can only be sustained by vigilance and with that vigilance comes responsibility. Let us hope that 2017 is a good one. Apologies for any errors, misrepresentation and.or if I have offended anyone with this tribute.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0409965538