Abalinx 9 April 2018 Peter Adamis
An odd title, but an appropriate one to describe the lives of many from bygone eras.
I observe the current generation in an attempt to put things into perspective, and each time I begin to find fault with them I reflect on my own misdemeanours of the past.
I ask myself what are the issues that separates us and why cannot we not see eye to eye. Is it because we demonstrate negativity with our dismissive comments and criticism. Is that why the current generation respond in a like-minded manner as a means of defence. To download the article click on: Remaining Relevant today
Does the current generation believe that we live in the past and that were are not up to date with current thinking models and that our understanding of technology is out of date. Further to the point does the current generation believe that we have become irrelevant because we are no longer called upon for advice when all they have to do is obtain multiple points of view from others using social media tools and electronic encyclopaedias?
What then is the role of the elders of our community? We are certainly not irrelevant, out of touch, lacking in knowledge, skills and life experiences. Nor are we living in the past where life may have appeared much simpler. I am of the belief that respect, acknowledgement and relevance are the cornerstones of elders and those in retirement and yet for the many that yearn retirement do not achieve the bliss that they thought was going to happen.
The high cost of living, lower standard of living and health care, accommodation, quality of life and less access to funds destroys an individual’s capacity to consider new projects, hobbies, trips and enhancing one’s life. We look upon our political representatives and speak out in disgust whenever we hear of pay rises for servants of the people. Pay rises that are far in excess of a couple’s joint pension or even a self-retiree.
What then is the answer I ask myself? I have considered this many a time and have come to the conclusion that with advances in technology such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, medicine, science, philosophy, communication, global travel, and a myriad of other technological changes, that we as human beings need to change the way we live, communicate and work. I see no reason why major shifts in employment cannot be made. I foresee two types of career paths as shown below:
- Changes such as working in cycles of ten years with two year breaks in between for rest, reflection, recuperation and education. By taking this option, we extend our capacity for work and increase our longevity. In effect it would be possible to start work at 16, work for a total of seventy years in ten year cycles, with 14 years of twenty four month breaks and finally retiring at the age of 100.
- Alternatively start work at 16, work for fifty years in ten year intervals with two year breaks and retiring at 76 years old and living for another 24 years. Both scenarios are possible and both are achievable given the advances in technology.
Option 1 may well be designed for the non-skilled worker while Option 2 is for the skilled worker whose capacity for higher education propels them towards a more enhanced career path. In either case the design models for either can be tweaked enabling interaction and transfer from one to another depending upon the needs of the individual and the career path that they have chosen or is found most suitable for them.
Some may view this as an elitist model of society, yet when you look at the models provided it is anything but that. What I can say is that society must change if we are to compete with new technologies that will or may be dictating what is best for us. Something for social scientists, governments, captains of industry, unions, political influencers and society as a whole. Food for thought!
As always, I apologise for the savagery of the English language, poor grammar and negative craftsmanship of the quill. I wish you all well and hope that this article is of value for discussion within your own group.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), and Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: abalinx.com Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0481 342 791