Abalinx 13 March 2018 Peter Adamis
With two days to go in Facebook Electronic Jail, I am at home contemplating what action to take regarding Facebook. Will I remove my account entirely and start another profile or will I keep it and review all of the settings. That is my dilemma that I am faced with. Knowing myself, I expect to keep my profile and try as I might to outwit, outsmart the artificial intelligence that is constantly learning from my errors, comments and behaviour. I have named this machine manipulator “FABIAN” (Face Artificial Book Intelligence) to humanise it and come to terms with its sinkhole of knowledge of mankind. A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on: The Manipulation of Mankind by AI
Well Fabian and I are going to have some fun to see what will happen over the next few months. I will test the machine organic language and its structure in order to see whether it can learn what “mirth” is, “comedy”, “deception”, “fun”, “joviality”, “jokes” and the difference between “serious”, “danger”, “feelings”, threats, intimidation, and how do they equate and qualify when measured against societal and community values, perceptions, ethics, standards, meaning of life, honour, respect, family, single, honesty and a host of other societal behaviours and cultural traditions that make us who we are.
I say all of this because I am convinced that the machine learning algorithms in place cannot tell the difference between perception, mirth, real and unreal dangers but relies on key words and sentence structures. I am certainly no expert or have insider knowledge as to exactly how Facebook operates other than to surmise that with billions of messages and online traffic globally, there must be some form of control and manipulation happening behind the scenes. I honestly don’t know what to think at this point in time about the benefits other than I do feel that there is some form of manipulation going ion without my knowledge and that manipulation is done on a subtle and subliminal level. Unfortunately I just don’t have enough knowledge and skills to unravel the labyrinth of data that comes across our screens.
It is no secret that mankind is being manipulated on a grand scale. The media is full of such articles and readers only have to google the acronym AI (artificial intelligence) to be presented with millions of articles on the subject. In fact I googled the words out of curiosity to prove my point and lo and behold I get this message flash across my screen: “About 7,690,000 results (0.62 seconds)” articles can be found dealing with artificial intelligence. Click on the link and it will take you directly to the articles via Google search browser. Or click on the following selected articles to view how face book and Google use artificial intelligence: Facebook uses AI, Facebook did not shut down AI, and Google and Facebook use algorythms. Read What is artificial intelligence and Australia must embrace AI revolution with automation set to affect every job
Those who have interest in such matters could well do with reading the above links and prepare themselves for the revolution that is coming to our homes, private lives, world of work and e very part of our society whether we like it or not. They say knowledge is power and with that knowledge individuals can prepare and arm themselves for a future that we do not know of yet. All that I know as a layman is that it is no use waiting to be told. It is better to get out there and learn the hard way what will all this mean to the individual. In my life time I am of the belief that I have already had a number of transitions and if I live long enough I may be around for this new and exciting technological revolution.
In the meantime, I have to prepare myself for “Fabian” to unlock the Face Book Jail for me so I can respond and express myself within the parameters of artificial intelligent manipulation. I will be writing brief notes and then refer them to the websites that are at this stage out of the control of artificial intelligent manipulators. Whatever is the case is out of hands and out of my ability to control the program if I am to continue to use it as a means of communicating with others across the globe.
Having said this, I must say that I am sorry that I have not been able to express my sadness at those who have lost dear ones, not get the opportunity to say Happy Birthday to others, not being to respond to some very good robust debates and not being able to express an opinion. Instead. I like many others have had to resort to creating other profile in order to get around the sentence of exile which in my case was for 30 days. An exile for exposing a fake profile and writing about this fake profile to expose the culprit.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), and Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: abalinx.com Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0481 342 79