The rise of Islam as a way of life in the western world

rise of islam

The Voice from the Pavement – Peter Adamis 12 March 2013

Despite the victories and successes of Western nations against the Islamic force across the world, it is becoming evident that the West is losing the war against Islam and its adherents.  It has been costly in manpower, material and exhausted the political will of the west to the point where they wish to make reconciliation a must. 

It is losing the war because the Islamic peoples are increasing their populations on a daily basis whilst the West under the so called freedoms of expression, just laws, equal opportunity and freedom from fear are failing to maintain the population growth and as such rely on foreign labor and guest workers.

In Europe alone we are seeing the countries retaliating against the Islamic culture and customs as it is alien to the European way of life. The indigenous population birth rates are dwindling in comparison to those of the Islamist and guest workers to the point where very soon they may overwhelm the culture of western society. 

If a westerner was to live in an Islamic country they would be forced to live according its customs. In Japan, Islamist culture and customs is not permitted. Why cannot we emulate them here in Australia? In some countries Islamist have taken to the streets in the guise that there are no suitable meeting places for prayers.

The guest workers and illegal immigrants now living in Greece have been targeted by both left and the right of politics each vying to capture the hearts and minds of the Greeks.  Under normal circumstances the Greeks would not be bothered with the odd illegal immigrant because they had an understanding of poverty and hardship.

But having said that, no one envisage a Global Financial Crisis that would bring Greece to its knees and thus provide the fertile ground for extremist groups to germinate.  The guest works and illegal immigrants in this case are predominantly Islamic in religion, habits and way of life, creating and unbelievable burden on a small country like Greece and stretching its resources. 

The author begs the question whether the growing number of Islamic peoples currently living in Greece someday takes into their heads to rise and exert their will upon Greece. Will this awareness of the Islamic peoples come as a result of the harsh measure currently being undertaken by the Greek Government and that by the extremist groups and this ultimately attract other Islamic countries to become involved.

Will the current Hellenes of the Diaspora rise to the occasion and return in sufficient numbers to safe guard the interests of Greece and its Hellenic culture or will they be content to stay at home and contribute funds and support to rival extremist groups. Is this scenario possible?

Will the youth of the Diaspora emulate their ancestors who returned to the homeland during the war between Greece and Turkey and will the Western nations allow their Hellenic citizens to take an active part in the Hellenic crisis. Are these random thoughts of concerned members of the Diaspora or just merely observers of history as it is being made before our very eyes? 

Will Australians, no matter their origins (including those of the Islamic faith) want this to occur in this country we call Australia home. I think not and it is about time that we as Australians made that quite clear to the rest of the world.

Get rid of the parasite and purveyors (people smugglers) of human flesh from prying their trade. Enforce the policies regarding guest workers and deny citizenship where appropriate. By all means allow refugees on humanitarian grounds (and meet United Nations requirements), but not at the expense of the Australian people. 

Allow this country to grow and develop into a nation that all Australians can rejoice, and take its rightful place in the world. If it means to question and expose the paradigms of the past that are found wanting, then so be it.  We are NOT a European, American or an Asian country but a nation of our own that we call Australia. 

It is time for the world to take note that we are no longer the bread basket, nor the political football to be kicked from one end of the oval to another. Do not look towards the North, the East or to the West for solutions but look within ourselves and tap into our own to find the solutions for a stronger and united Australia. As that President of the United States once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Simple words that is still relevant to this day.

While the colour of one’s skin in Australia is irrelevant, this country is a predominately Christian based one that is tolerant of other religions and cultures, and as such unique. If we as Australians do not create policies and put them in place (NOW); to safe guard the interests of this country on a cultural, political, religious and military level, we are doomed to fail as a nation and therefore ripe to be overwhelmed by an alien culture or nation.

If I as an Australian of Hellenic origins is prepared to fight if necessary to safeguard the Australian way of life; then I call upon on all Australians to stand tall, fly the flag, embrace our indigenous brethren the original owners of this land, be proud to call ourselves “Aussies”; and take our rightful place in this world.    Peter Adamis

Post Script: for the record. I have many friends of the Islamic faith and I love them dearly.  I have respect for Islam as much as I respect our own beliefs and paths chosen in life. For those who wish to label me or place a brand name on me so be it.

As I stated within the article, I am far from being a racist. Please note that if I saw a person of the Islamic faith being abused or mistreated, I would be the first to go to their defence and provide them support even to the point of providing refuge.  

If we were to live in an Islamic country I would live according to the rules and customs of that country but with the exception of my faith being practices in the privacy of my home or at a church if it was available. 

Just like those living in an Islamic country who wish to retain their way of life, then so do I.  My main concern is that in Australia and that of Greece, I prefer the western style of living. I have Hellenic origins and live in Australia, hence my interests in both countries. I do hope that this is clearly understood.  

Disclaimer:  Prior to being shot down, ridiculed and criticized unfairly, please note that the author is far from being a racist but rather someone who wishes to retain the Australian and western way of life.  This topic may appear racist to some and the truth to others. Whatever the case may be, it is preferable that any debate be conducted in a civilized manner without the digression to other topics.

This affects everyone and the future generations to come.  It is not a new topic as it is currently being discussed at all levels of Western society and with the rise of left and right wing extremist groups it is important that an awareness of what is happening today is recognized and how does western society deal with it.

Peter Adamis Australia Day iconThe Voice from the Pavement – Peter Adamis is a (not for profit) Journalist/Commentator. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum.  He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News.  He holds a Bachelor   of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health  & Safety, (Monash),  Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0409965538

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