Peter Adamis Abalinx 14 January 2017.
The images displayed are the authors attempt to keep an online record of A Company 6th battalion The Royal Australian Regiment for the year 1973. It is not the intention to write an article other to remember mates of a bygone era. Contributions are very much welcome by all and can be sent either by social media (Facebook) email: [email protected] or in the comments section of this gallery. I realise I may not have done justice to many of the blokes but this is my small contribution to their memory. A Copy of the Article will soon be made available for downloading.
A Company 6 RAR has for one reason or another attracted a lot of attention over the years as we who grow old anted to leave a legacy behind to others that we too stood firm at a time of uncertainty, especially when the end of the Vietnam war had come to a close for Australians. Friendships formed during those days have stood the trust of time and many look back upon those years with nostalgia and good thoughts. Life was tough, we worked hard, played hard and when the time came to do what we had to do, we did it without question. It was and still is the Australian way. No ifs or buts about it.
This is only a prototype and work is being done to enhance the gallery as time goes on. It will be a living gallery, meaning that changes may occur at any time or day. If I have forgotten anybody it is not that I have forgotten other than I dont have the information or images available.
As always, apologies to purists for my poor grammar and savagery of the English language. I wish you all well and hope that this article does not cause ambiguity in the minds of those who read it. Stay strong and be well.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Contact via Email: [email protected]