A Second Chance

Peter Adamis   Abalinx 12 January 2017

Today of all days is an anniversary that will forever remain embed in my psyche and for me I will celebrating it a day of renewal. This day some twelve months ago, I was given the last of the deadly chemical cocktails followed immediately by my own stems cells which had been harvested some six weeks prior.  It appeared that my siblings and I were not compatible and therefore I had to undergo a series of RCHOP and HCVAD chemotherapy regime in order to cleanse the blood and then harvest the stem cells.  The practice of using RCHOP and HCVAD was to confuse the cancerous cells into dying off in their billions. This procedure apparently worked using a 21 day cycle instead of 14 day cycle, probably because of the heart and age factors combined. Tomorrow was considered DAY ONE of being given a “Second Chance.”   A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on:A SECOND CHANCE

Although I have stated this before, the staff were exemplary, professional and had sufficient experience in dealing with cancer patients. I am not sure whether I was a good patient or not, but what I can tell you some twelve months later is that I knew that I had no second chance and therefore questioned everything, researched the net myself, consulted at all times with the specialists, did not take any hospital protocol for granted, took an interest in my own well-being, brought food in from the outside, stood my ground against what I thought was wrong, hygienic as much as possible to reduce any infections and above all remained positive at all times.  I believe that the latter two had much to with my recovery as much as the skill of the specialists whom I got to admire and respect.  

That is all that I have to say on the matter and wish to take this opportunity to send my very best regards to the following individuals who are also doing it tough and/or have gone through the same as above for one reason or another. Larry Iliffe, Peter Vesely, Graham Tucker, Tom Bere, Barrie Daniels, Noel Greaves, Mick Olsen, Chris Fenner, Nick Krikellis and ,many many others. I also pay tribute to two blokes who have since gone, both blokes I knew as patients in the hospital who gave it their best, but unfortunately cancer took the upper hand. There are many untold stories regarding cancer and I would like reads to know that there are many dedicated health professionals seeking to find cures for the cancers of today.

As to the future, all that I can say is that although every day something new is being discovered, RCHOP and HCVAD under the 14 or 21 day chemotherapy remains the standard treatment for Lymphatic type of cancers.  Melanoma for example which was once incurable and certain death has now been found to be curable giving hope to millions. For those of us with lymphatic illnesses, one hopes that a cure is found sooner rather than later. 

My message to cancer sufferers is simple, “Never give up, stay positive at all times and look on the bright side”.  Remember that although you cannot see your cells, they do not want to die and they will do everything known to them in order to survive. Ask any Oncologist and/or Hematologist and they will confirm what I have just written.  If your own cells do not want to die why you should give up on them!  Born again is not a figure of speech but a metaphor to describe being given a second chance. Use it wisely.

As always, apologies to purists for my poor grammar and savagery of the English language. I wish you all well and hope that this article does not cause ambiguity in the minds of those who read it.

Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum.  He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News.  He holds a Bachelor   of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Contact via Email: [email protected]

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