Abalinx 28 March 2018 Peter Adamis
68 years old and not a day goes by that I thank the good lord that I am still here. The last ten years have been a mixture of severe psychological stress, depression, infected arm, damaged spine and then cancer. Mind you I am not bitching about it, but making the most of what life has to offer. For me, every day is a new day and I can help someone then I feel that my day has been a successful ne filled with happiness. On other days, I am a grumpy old bloke who reflects on life and wonders where the years have gone. I ask myself why am I still here and why me. Questions which are beyond my understanding.
On a bright note, Wednesday 28 March 2018 was my birthday and as such, I remained at home, writing articles. A past time which I find challenging and at the same time invigorating and good for the soul.
The past few days has been involved in fixing a corrupt data base on my website after being hacked and spammed by nefarious individuals. But what the hec, life was not meant to be easy according to Malcolm Fraser and I guess he may well be right. Being a retired ex-military bloke has its perks but I could do with the company and interaction with others from time to time. A Copy of the article can be downloaded by clicking on: If only it was real
The bright side of the day for me was when my wife arrived home from work and gave me a huge surprise. A lovely Birthday card with what I thought was $500.00 in cash. I had my glasses on and even went to the trouble of counting it. My wife started laughing and I asked her why, annoyed that I was the butt of whatever made her laugh. She said have you looked at the money closely? Well blow me down, the money was not real. She laughed again and said that in due course it may come true as additional pocket money when I travel to Greece to attend ANZAC Day in the village of Pellana.
I have made it a promise to myself that as long as I can muster up the funds by saving from my military pension, I will continue to travel to Greece on a pilgrimage and take a few military mates along with me. This year, I was very fortunate to be given a gift of the New Zealand Flag by the New Zealand Government to have it flown on ANZAC Day in the village next to the monument Maurice Barwick and I installed late last year. The monument is to commemorate the bonds between the Australians, New Zealanders and Greeks. This monument is also a final tribute to my adopted country I call home and to all my cobber digger mates. One other project I intend to implement is an avenue of honour with olive trees acting as silent guardians of the monument. Each tree will be name after mates with whom I have served with.
The gift by my wife on my birthday will go a long way in helping me to survive on the military pension. I must say that meeting my lovely wife has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Not only have I developed as a person, but she encouraged me to develop my life skills, return back to University as a mature age student and obtain my two degrees. But the 18 years together has not always been a bed of roses due to deaths and illnesses and support to others in the process. Still my wife Yovanna and I have managed to confront all of our life’s challenges and move forward with some degree of confidence. If my wife can fool me with photo copied $100.00 notes and follows it up with the real stuff, who am I to argue. Laughter is good for the soul and as I grow older, must also learn to laugh along with others. Life is far too short to be concerned about the inconsideration’s of others and those who have fear as their companion or lack the courage to fight the good fight. No, I intend to enjoy whatever life has to offer.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), and Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: abalinx.com Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0481 342 791