Opinions Often Attract Undesirable Trolls

Opinions Often Attract Undesirable Trolls

 14 January 2024

In today’s digital landscape, expressing an opinion can sometimes feel like stepping into a lion’s den. The moment you share your thoughts online; you might attract a host of undesirable characters—trolls and bullies who thrive on negativity and derision. These individuals, often hiding behind pseudonyms, wield words as weapons, aiming to belittle and demean others with little regard for the impact of their actions.  The term “online bully” encapsulates a range of behaviours: derogatory name-calling, mocking, unwelcome teasing, and the spreading of secrets disclosed in confidence. Such actions reveal their erratic behaviour and antisocial characteristics, underscoring a deeper societal issue—why do some derive pleasure from the suffering of others?

Reflecting on my own experiences, I must admit that in my youth, I had a different approach to dealing with ignorant bullies. If confronted, I would have responded with a swift punch or a well-placed kick, defending my dignity fiercely. I had my share of battles, lost a few, but I never let anyone keep me down for long. Fast forward to today, as I approach 75, and I find myself once again facing petty individuals who seem to derive satisfaction from putting others down, perhaps because they are bored with their own lives.

Here are a few notable encounters that stand out:

  1. The Misguided Critic: One individual berated me for being involved with a company website. I let him rant until he made a complete fool of himself, only to inform him that I was the creator and webmaster. His face turned red as he realized his blunder, and he offered a hasty apology. Ironically, this man has since passed away.


  2. The Self-Proclaimed Expert: Another individual, claiming to be a war photographer, belittled veterans who served in hostile environments. Despite my admiration for his work, I found it hard to respect someone who insulted those who had faced real danger. His personal life was hardly commendable, yet he persisted in his foolishness. He, too, is no longer with us.


  3. The Anonymous Troll: An unknown person wrote derogatory remarks about me online, hoping to provoke a reaction. I initially fantasized about confronting him physically, but instead, I chose a different path. By ignoring him and letting him embarrass himself, I ultimately blocked him from my life.


  4. The Accusation: One troll accused me of claiming to be a Vietnam veteran. When I denied it, he backtracked, saying I had told him I was an Iraq veteran instead. I was ready to retaliate with harsh words but soon realized he was being manipulated by others. Two years later, he apologized and revealed the instigators behind his comments. We eventually became friends, and I appreciated his courage in admitting the truth.


  5. The Vile Attack: Two men, whom I had never met, launched vicious attacks on me online, wishing death upon me during a time when I was battling cancer. Their comments were reported, but little action was taken, and one was eventually asked to leave the political party we were both part of.
  6. The Professional Trolls: The internet is filled with trolls; some even paid to monitor social media and respond to those with differing opinions. These individuals can be particularly dangerous, as they derail serious discussions and foster a toxic environment.

These examples are all too familiar for long-time members of social media, who have learned to navigate the challenges of online interactions. Strategies like blocking, responding in kind, or simply unfollowing are common. Reporting offensive behaviour is an option, but often feels like a futile endeavour.

There is a significant difference between genuinely offending someone, offering an honest critique, and maliciously attacking someone you don’t know. The latter serves no purpose and reflects poorly on our society. It is disheartening to witness such un-Australian behaviours persist in our online interactions.  As someone who values respect and integrity, I take it upon myself to ensure that derogatory comments do not tarnish my online presence. If someone belittles another on my profile, I have the responsibility to remove those comments and the individuals who perpetuate such negativity.

I write this article not solely to recount my experiences but to highlight that these issues can arise unexpectedly, tarnishing our collective reputation. It’s essential to confront these challenges head-on and maintain the standards we value as Australians.  So, let’s rise above the noise and the trolls. Fight the good fight, don’t let anyone belittle you, and always choose to do what’s right. Life is far too short to waste on those who thrive on negativity. Remember, we are stronger together, and kindness can always prevail over ignorance.

Peter Adamis     
Freelance Journalist