Abalinx – Peter Adamis – 23 March 2015
“Feeling that your life is worthwhile”. If one does not feel that one’s life is worthwhile then it opens the door to a dark journey. A journey filled with uncertainty, devoid of hope, self preservation and any reasons to continue to live on as before. It is a lonely journey that not even loved ones or those close to you that will understand as in most cases may be too busy with doing their own thing to notice. A copy of the complete article may be downloaded by clicking on:VETERANS SUICIDE
During my time as a serviceman, bringing up four sons on my own and surrounded by the uncertainties of life, I managed somehow to continue to move forward. I did so because I had four boys to think of. Dark thoughts of suicide were far from my mind. As a young soldier who was only beginning to grasp the rudiments of warfare through our rigorous training we respected those officers who had the balls to stand up to the “powers to be” and tell it as it is. Many times when amongst mates we would mutter under our breath the standing joke of “Come the revolution”. What it meant is that we looked forward to a time when those in power would make the necessary changes for better conditions of service.
Call depression whatever name you wish to call it, it is still depression. I have seen mates come and go and yet I stand here still counting the loss of those mates as the ranks becoming thinner on the ground. Depression can mean many things to different people and affect each one differently contributing to ones environment, family, friends and striving to live a life according to ones faith and values can make a difference between choosing a path between life and death.
Some mates choose alone and live in the bush, some are homeless and live in the streets, some become bikies and roam the land seeking a freedom from a civilised society and its ills, and others find solace in drink and die a lonely death drowned in a sea of sorrow and despair. Others give up the ghost (so to speak) and die needlessly without reaching out. the reason why they don’t reach out may come in many forms, such as not to bother another person, it’s a private matter, no one would understand, fear of being ridiculed, who would care anyway, what is the use, family cannot cope with my demons, let me go peacefully, revenge, sorrow, pity, low self esteem, not valued, life not worth living. Is it all of the above but I am sure it is much more.
Whatever the case may be those who are on the brink of suicide or demonstrate suicidal tendencies need our support. Without society’s support some lovely bloke or woman’s life will be snuffed out and their light no longer illuminating our lives. This author does not have the answer other to demonstrate that we live in a chaotic world surrounded by technology that that has no room for those who seek peace, tranquility, understanding and time out from society and return back refreshed with a renewed interest in life. Depression does not have to be a lonely journey. The article attached touches the fringes of what faces our veterans of today and we who enjoy our freedom need to remember life is not an easy road.
The Voice from the Pavement – Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0409965538