Smell the roses

Abalinx 22 April 2022

Expectations – Acknowledgements – Denial.    We reach a point in life where we stop think and reflect upon the decisions we have made.  We wonder whether our expectations have been met, acknowledged if we have been denied opportunities that may have changed the course of our journey.  I have used the quill to craft a wake-up message to every generation that life is meant to be lived and not to be looked upon with fear and trepidation. Life is what it is and as such we must make the most of it.  Stop and smell the roses

Yeas we must learn from others, using the positive paradigms of previous generations to enable us to make our own decisions and to ensure that our decisions will enable to move forward with confidence and, hope and optimism.  Therefore, we must banish fear, anxiety, stress, and anger from our life and attract love, faith, hope, mateship, friendship, and confidence to be our companions.

Youngsters.     As youngsters we were baptised, we played with mates after school, hung around the local milk bar, played marbles, climbed trees, wrestled, a few punch ups, played cricket, football, hockey, went to the beach, swam, created hot rods with a milk carton or a wooden box on rollers with ball bearings, kissed girls, wagged schools, got caught, hidings by our fathers, the strap from our teachers, given a clipping over the head by the local coppers, made alliances with other gangs, loyal to our mates, pinched lollies from shops, created sling shots using rubber bands and a forked stick, we learnt how to box, street fighting and looking after our turf, visited numerous relatives, made bows and arrows and played cowboys and Indians, helped around the house, looked after our pets, climbed oval fences to watch the footy and not pay entry, slept in beds with two or three siblings, injuring ourselves, being run over by a car, collected beer bottles and sold them, sold newspapers in the morning and in the evening for additional pocket money, watched television or went to the local pictures, we became ill and recovered,  aggression was part of our makeup, some ended up in reform school, told lies to our parents, Collect lead pipes and copper wire to be sold to scrap merchants,  entered into organised sports, rode on the back of the local Chinese vegetable gardener dray, observed swaggies going from house to house seeking odd jobs, going to church on Sunday, carrying the shopping bags with Mum and dad from the market and walking miles to home,  jumping on a tram and avoiding paying the fee. These are but a few of the activities did as children and then we became teenagers.

Teenagers.       As teenagers, girls became an important past time, our street fighting skills improved, we began working in our first jobs, we went to dance halls, we drank, became drunk, drove cars licensed and unlicensed, we dated on and off, played football, spent our money, borrowed money, played cards with mates, went to the beach, parties, hotels, we fought amongst each other and against other rival gangs, we loved, we lost, we got into trouble with the law, we felt and recovered, we went rabbit hunting, camping, hiking, climbing, joined the local Citizens Force (equivalent to Army Reserve), became scouts, some saved their money, purchased new clothes, purchased our first pointed shoes, we played the horses, greyhounds and other forms of gambling, identified as Rockers, Mods, or Skinheads, we were very aggressive, attended trade schools if apprenticed, some were called up for National service, losing friends to accidents, others nicked off overseas to avoid being drafted, some got married early, involved in car accidents, stayed overnight at mates homes, loyal to our mates, got kicked out of home, forgiven and returned home, came home late, smoked cigarettes, got out our first tattoos, some went to jail, played pinball machines, went ice skating, visited illegal casinos and gambling dens, dated our first loves, some became engaged and reneged or broke it off, went to the pictures with mates, visited our local Chinese shop after footy or pub crawls, borrowed money from mates and paid them back on pay day, only to borrow more money after pay day, paid room and board to parents if we had any money left., used brylcream in our hair. Just a few items that we one can remember. Then we became young adults.

Young adults.              Some got married, others died due to accidents, illnesses and suicide, a few became policemen, some joined the Australian Defence Force and made it a career, others went and became professionals in their own right, some moved overseas, many left home for good, only to return to visit parents and siblings, some travelled the world according to their professions, others never left their suburbs or the home town, a couple ended up in jail, some led a life of crime, some became disabled, others unemployed and on the dole, a very few went to University and laid the foundations for a bright future, others completed their apprenticeship and created their own business, some purchased their own home and paid it off in thirty years, few won Tattlsotto and made it rich, some did make it rich, some continued playing the races and visiting gambling dens, some became homeless,  we were still aggressive, some became professional bouncers, others remained in jail, Those married raised their families, some separated and divorced, others continued in miserable marriages or in difficult relationships, some became health carers, some joined the public service, some went to war, others became mentally and physically handicapped, a few became sports writers and coaches, a couple became transport tycoons, a couple became involved with the news media, others with television and a couple became actors, a couple joined the clergy and/or associated with a religious denomination, a few became unionists, others became professional protesters, Greenies, political activists, joined political parties. These are but a few of the activities of a young adult. Then we became middle aged.

Mature age.      Our bodies began to tell us that we had better slow down, eat properly, exercise, do not smoke, drink in moderation, good hygiene practices, dress well, speak well, we learnt to manage aggression, some were released from jail. Some died, a number became separated and divorced, some lost sight of their children, a few forgot their responsibilities, some managed to retire early, some died through illnesses, accidents and sheer bad luck, a few got cancer, tuberculosis, became paralysed, mentally challenged, some sought psychiatric support, a few changed professions or directions in life, some sought the comfort of the bottle, others went in search of their youth, a few remained in their profession, many would remain in a family or a relationship and raise their children, some would lose their homes due to bad luck or poor decisions, some continued gambling, a few became homeless, a few left for good overseas, a number took on a second career, some thrived, a few fell by the wayside and remained on welfare, quite a number used government assistance and went to high school, trade school and or to University to create a whole new life for themselves, those with house finally paid their homes off and helped their children, seeking new horizons and a new career became difficult, the realisation of being a mature age adult was not what it was made out to be, some continued to struggle due to high interest rates, a few became seduced and became toyboys or sugar daddies, the smart one invested their money wisely and looked toward a comfortable retirement, health became the new norm and people began to take notice of what affected them physically and mentally, climate change, gender issues, privacy matters, security, wellbeing and matters of the heart became prominent. These were just the tip of the iceberg for the mature age.  Then we became the elder generation.

Elder generation.         Many had retired, died, were ill, in psychiatric institutions, old age homes, cared for at home by professional institutions,  others lived with their children, others in rehabilitation, overseas, still working part time, few were in full employment unless they had their own businesses, many became involved in voluntary work, some became mentors,  others continued to be encouragers, a few returned from overseas to live out their lives in government homes, some became wards of the state and whatever income or assets they had were siphoned off by government and professional organisations who were responsible for their welfare, the smart and intelligent ones downsized and used the funds wisely to be among family, loved ones, near friends or in selective village homes that catered for the elderly, a few spent their pensions at the pokies as they craved for companionship and social intercourse, some were robbed of their life savings, others remarried or involved in a relationship of their choice for social and economic reasons, others took on another career less complex and demanding that brought them a small income that did not affect their government pension.  These matters and activities could well be enhanced by those in the elder generation bracket.

My life.            Would you believe me if I told you that I was such a good lad that I was considered an earthly angel that did no wrong. Well, I cannot lie with a straight face, as you well know that I would be a bull shit artist.  But then is not life full of challenges.  Of course, it is and if so, live it to the full making the best choices so that when you decide to stop rest and smell the roses, you will know that it has been worth it. At home in Watsonia, I have a rose bush that I selected from my mother’s home after she had passed away. It is located near the gate that leads out to the driveway and each day I stop and smell the roses if any are in bloom. That is life so enjoy it. As always, remain vigilant and be strong always.

Peter Adamis is a (not for profit) Journalist/Commentator. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum.  He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News.  He holds a Bachelor   of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health  & Safety, (Monash),  Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Contact via Email: [email protected]