In a few days’ time, those in the western world will be celebrating a Birthday and pay reverence to a faith that has been in existence for some 21 hundred years. For many it’s a time of giving for other its receiving for some it’s grieving and for others it’s living for the sake of existing.
A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on: FAIR CRACK OF THE WHIP IT IS TIME BE MERRY THE AUSSIE WAY
Whatever the case may be, let us not forget those not with their loved ones, whether they are defence force personnel, single parents, pensioners forgotten in old age homes, children neglected, those in the orphanages, those who ply their trade in the streets, sufferers of illnesses, those in hospital and some who are just living alone whether it’s at home, homelessness or merely without a family.
No matter where you are in global village, no matter what faith you follow, the Western world celebrates a tradition that has long been lost in the mists of time and its relevance replaced by consumerism. Every year I have noticed that stores display Christmas early than expected and we the consumer are indeed silly enough to fall for the gimmicks, the clever use of seductive and attractive glitter and glare of consumer goods. Children especially are attracted to all things that glitter and when their eyes open wide and they look at you with pleading eyes, what do we do but melt and before we know it we have purchased another present or git based on our emotional responses.
Mind you, that is not a bad thing if you have the time, patience and the virtues that accompany such spending sprees. Do we go overboard at Christmas, one tend s to thinks and I am of the belief that store owners having done their homework look forward to this time of year. My sons have grown up, moved out of hoe and dong their own thing. Will we see them at Christmas time or not will depend upon what they have planned for themselves. For quite a number of families, Christmas can be a problem if you are sharing responsibilities and parents are no longer under the one roof or for one reason or another it is not possible to share Christmas and New year together. Sharing has now become global and it is not usual for children to be the beneficiaries of such shared households. But what about those neglected, he homeless, the forgotten people at Christmas? Who looks after them? Charities perhaps, church group’s maybe or does the Government have a programme where they round up those destitute, out on the street with no home to go to or visit.
Let us not walk past anyone person whom we see on the street, looking unkempt, unwashed, smelly, and dirty and maybe repugnant to look at. Spare a thought for them as they at one stage or another made choice in life that were not conducive to living within the parameters of society and became outcasts. It costs nothing to give them clothes to keep warm, food and coins from your wallet or purse. Do it and you will better for having done so? For those cancer sufferers, those in hospital who are ill, and patients and carers who are the forgotten heroes of modern society, let us spare a thought for them at this time of year. Doctors, nurses, security guards, police, fire brigade and other para military organisations that keep our cities, towns and hamlets alive with their professionalism also need to be considered in the festive equation.
Last of all spare a thought to our non-Christian friends no matter where they are and even though they dont not follow the same faith as ourselves, honour them by respecting their way of life and beliefs. It is only in this manner can we demonstrate that we in Australia are a tolerant people. Let mankind put aside their personal beliefs, their hatreds, malice, revengeful thoughts and turn their heads towards reconciliation and forgiveness. I am certainly no saint and not a Priest and yet I cannot but feel compassion for those who have had troubled lives and intent on striking out against others because of their own fears and inability to come to terms with their environment.
Let this time of the year be like those soldiers facing each other during World War 1 in the trenches, putting aside their differences for a short period and embracing each other as human beings. If they in the face of death, slaughter and much bloodshed can put aside their hatred of one another, the surely we who live in relative comfort can do the same.
No matter who you are, where you are and what you do in life, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, a safe, happy and enjoyable new year where life becomes better than before. After all it is an Australian tradition to put asunder the ills of the past and be merry at this time of year. As always, apologies to purists for my poor grammar and savagery of the English language. I wish you all well and hope that this article does not cause ambiguity in the minds of those who read it.
Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0409965538