Month: October 2016

Leonidas Elliniko Glendi 2016

1-group-presentationLeft to right:  Kon Deves – Neos Kosmos, Mary Tsaganas – Promotions Manager, Dina Gerolymou – SBS Greek radio, John Kostarakis – Dance teacher and Nestor Greek school, Nick Bantounas – noted philanthropist, Peter Adamis – President Pallaconian Brotherhood ‘Leonidas’, Samantha Ratnam – Mayor City of Moreland, Peter Khalil – Federal Member for Wills, Maria Vamvakinou – Federal Member for Calwell, Christina Simantiraki -Hellenic Consul General for Victoria and Tasmania and Peter Vlahos – former Lord Mayor of Monash City Council, Missing are: Peter Athanasakis, Betty Athanasakis, Rena Frangiodakis –  3 XY Radio Hellas and Peter Mercoulias noted Victorian Philanthropist and Developer.

Abalinx: Peter Adamis     2 October 2016. A Copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking on: LEONIDAS-ELLINIKO-GLENDI

The Pallaconian Brotherhood Leonidas of Melbourne Victoria Australia hosted its annual Elliniko Glendi on Saturday 1 October 2016.   The event occurred at the Pallaconian Brotherhood community hall in Brunswick, a suburb of the City of Moreland.   The Leonidas Elliniko Glendi has fast become one of Melbourne’s Australian Hellenic great events which is a must attend by the ‘Who’s Who’ in the Australian Greek Community.   Seats on the night were filled to capacity and many were turned away. The Youth Dancing group performed on a number of occasions followed by the guests. The Master of ceremonies was Mary Tsaganas the Pallaconian Brotherhood Promotions Officer.

Congratulations to Mary Tsaganas for her great effort in organising the event on behalf of the Pallaconian Brotherhood. Mary had outdone herself and excelled beyond Peter Adamis, the Presidents expectations. Mary has a plethora of skills and knowledge that has uplifted the community’s profile. We have exceeded the number expected for the evening.  

Top marks also to Stavroula (Zouzoulas) Psarakis the Vice President, Dimitra Roumeliotis Assistant Secretary, George Spanos our Communications Officer and last but not forgotten, Steve Tsaganas with the Youth Dance Group.   The catering was by Barbara and her team and one hopes that she becomes the Community’s preferred caterer. There was a live band whose music in the form of Rembettika in theme and concept brought back memories of a bygone era. 

A wide range of raffle prizes were donated anonymously, accompanied by good food, wine, great company created the appropriate atmosphere that the Greeks call “KEFI” or one of happiness and good cheer, oblivious to whatever ills there were in the world. As indicated earlier, the only unfortunate part about the Elliniko Glendi is that there were no more seats available to cater for the overwhelming response for the 2016 Glendi.

The President Peter Adamis representing the Pallaconian Brotherhood presented the 2016 VIP guests with plaques for their contribution to Australian Hellenic community with emphasis on Melbourne Victoria.  A special plaque was presented to Kon Deves, the Neos Kosmos Photo Journalist who has covered many of the Australian Hellenic Community events throughout his career. The President Peter Adamis said that he wanted the Pallaconian Brotherhood community to be the first of many to recognise Con Deves outstanding service. 

The President Peter Adamis said: “it was a magnificent night is all that I can say at the moment. We have tried to capture the atmosphere to a time period going back to the 1950 and 1960 where the Australian Hellenic Community was beginning to lay roots into the Australian society and thus strengthening the fabric of Australia. I would like to think that we Australians of Lakonian heritage have contributed to the longevity, economic security and institutions while calling Australia home”.

Presentations were conducted by the President and assisted by the Events Coordinator Mary Tsaganas. The Australian Lakonian heritage is over 120 years old of which many arrived during the Gold Rush and making Australia home. Many of their descendants may be found in all fields, environments and throughout Australia. A perfect example of integration mirroring that of their brethren the Scots, the English, Welsh, Irish, German, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian and yes we will include our Kiwi brothers in the mix. After all we are Australians no matter our origins.

This was Peter Adamis last event as the President and is stepping down after two years in the role, saying that: “Two to three years is sufficient time to make an impact and leave behind a legacy of which others may emulate using different concepts and ideas that were in line with the spirit of the constitution”. Peter Adamis is a great believer in the integration of cultures from around the world and that such different fabrics only go to strengthen the fibres that binds us under one fabric, that of the Australian flag.

The President advised the guests that: “the Committee of Management for the period 2014 – 2016 has been the best Committee I have ever had the pleasure to lead and it is to their efforts that the Lakonians in Melbourne Victoria have risen the community to the dizzy heights of exemplary Australian citizens”.

“My many thanks to the Committee of Management on a job well done. Life would not be the same without you”.  The 2014 – 2016 Committee of Management comprised of:  Peter Adamis, Stavroula (Zouzoulas) Psarakis, Kon Glekas, John Panagiotakakos, Ken Tsirigotis, George Spanos, Mary Tsaganas, Perry Bakolias, John Karavitis, Peter Roumpos, Avgustina Torcello, Harry Spanos, Dimitra Roumeliotis, Sam Mihelakos, Steve Tsaganas, Jim Bakis, Petros Gouvousis and Stacey Kanellakos.

The President reminded members that 2016 was an election year and encouraged members to apply for the Committee of Management.

1 PETER ADAMIS 18 APRIL 2016Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum.  He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News.  He holds a Bachelor   of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: Contact via Email: [email protected] or via Mobile: 0409965538