Month: August 2017


Abalinx 21 August 2017 Peter Adamis

The Hellenic ANZAC Gardens project is one of its kind in the world as it is a private tribute to three nations, three peoples and to an ancient past. An ancient past of warriors that believed that freedom had to be won and retained by being vigilant. ANZAC Gardens is situated in a small village of no more that 150 individuals, 25 kilometres North of Sparta, Laconia Greece.   A copy of the article may be downloaded by clicking: Hellenic ANZAC Gardens Project 2015 – 2020

The name of the village is called Pellana, named after a damsel called Pellanis, fell into the dep springs that were located in that ancient past and was drowned far down below in the depths of the spring. This village in the ancient past was also the home of Menelaus (Master of the War Cry at Troy in Asia Minor) and that of his wife the famed beauty otherwise known as Helen of Troy when she was kidnapped and taken to Troy. 

What is of interest is that some thousands of years later, Australians and New Zealanders in the Dardanelles (not far from ancient Troy), also stormed the heights of Gallipoli seeking to gain control of the passage to modern day Istanbul (Constantinople).  Unfortunately the ANZACS did not emulate their ancient warrior brothers but they did create a legend of the ANZAC spirit which lives today.  

It is no secret that the project was conceived and planned whilst in hospital while being treated for Mantle Cell Lymphoma and CD5+ Large Diffused Cell Lymphoma, followed by an eight to twelve month recovery stage.  The execution of the project however was carried out in 2017 during a seven month recuperation visit to my place of birth.  I felt great being in Greece amongst my ancestors and I felt that the fresh air and the environment helped me psychologically.

Slowly over the period of seven months, I subjected the body to much hard physical work not seen since I was a young digger in the Australian Defence Force. The project helped me psychologically that no matter what happened I knew I was going to leave behind a legacy that would encourage future generations to never give up in the face of adversity.

I am not of any significance or anybody special as my only claims to being different is that I am the only Greek born Australian to have served in the Australian Defence Force in excess of 27 years Regular Army and subsequently served in the Army Reserve and Standby Force until I was 65 years old.  My personal claim to fame is raising for lovely sons as my contribution to being an Australian. Other than that, I merely just an ordinary bloke. I am extremely fortunate to be married to a lovely and intelligent lady that has captured my heart and who has stood by me through the difficult times. 

I have some very good friends that are very close to me, Maurice Barwick, Giuseppe De Simone, Peter Vlahos, Barrie Daniels, Clinton Breeze, and Tony Kelly all of whom are part of our extended family. My brothers Phillip and Con as well as my sister Helen have been there for me when I needed them. I say this because there are numerous of other friends that have been dear to me and for the life of me, I was wracking my brain on how to thank most of them.   It was not until I returned back from Greece in late 2017 that I realised that I could create a plaque with all their names. This was accomplished upon my return in April 2018 some 12 months after my dear fathers passing. 

The Hellenic ANZAC Gardens is a five year project that is my final tribute to a nation I call home (Australia) and to my place of birth. It is also a tribute to the ANZAC spirit and to all my friends.  I hope with some support to enhance the project so that the public may come and enjoy the tranquillity and the peace that the project will provide. I intend to install a billabong stocked with gold fish, security cameras, Information plagues, BBQ areas, seating, toilets, cover for intermittent weather, power outlets, water taps and parking for visitors.  In due course I will be seeing support from organisations, governments and likeminded individuals that wish to contribute. Their names whoever they may be will be acknowledged on a marble tablet and placed within the ANZAC Gardens Project. 

Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum.  He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News.  He holds a Bachelor   of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), and Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website: Contact via Email: [email protected]